

Space shuttle was a Manned Orbital Rocket and this is the Partially Reusable Launch & Re-entry Spacecraft System.

It was used for Orbital Space Missions it included the launching numerous satellites and interplanetary probes, conducting space science experiments and servicing & construction of space station.

Total space shuttle program contains the major components included the

Orbiters – Winged Space plane (1) reusable

SRB – Solid Rocket Boosters (2) recoverable

ET – External Tank (1) Cryogenic propellant tank non reusable

Payload – Crew (6) & Space mission parts

Supporting Infrastructure

As of 2011 only three nations have flown manned spacecraft – Russia, USA, and China.

India, Japan, Europe/ESA, Iran, Denmark, Romania have plans for manned Spacecraft.

The first manned spacecraft was “VOSTOK1” which carried Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into space in 1961, and completed the full earth orbit.

The second manned spacecraft was named FREEDOM7 and it performed a sub-orbital spaceflight in 1961 carrying Astronaut Alan Sheppard to an altitude of just over 187k.m

Other Soviet manned spacecraft include the



Unflown as manned Zond/L1, L3, TKS &


Mir manned space station

Other American manned spacecraft include the



Skylab space station

Space shuttle with undetached European Spacelab

Private US space hub Space station modules

China developed unflown Shuguang & currently using Shenzhou(the first china manned mission craft in 2003).

Life – each shuttle orbiter was designed for a projected lifespan of 100 launches or 10 years of operational life, although this was later extended.

Missions – totally 135 mission completed by Shuttle from 1981 to 2011, and it includes the 37 mission to construct to International Space Station.

Total Shuttle Orbiters are

1. Enterprise – First shuttle orbiter in 1977, and take off by Boeing 747 cargo for testing of successful shuttle operation (prototype orbiter)

2. Columbia – First as a space shuttle use Rocket launch in 1981 to 2003

3. Challenger – 1983 to 1986

4. Discovery – 1984 to final flight on march 2011

5. Atlantis – 1985 to last ever Shuttle flight in July 2011

6. Endeavour 1992 Replacement of Challenger after crash of 1986 and final flight June 2011

7. Buran The only Russian shuttle in 1988 (Russia used spacecraft like Soyuz ever for space mission)

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