
Satellite Concept

Satellite is an Object which orbits the planet or any object in the space, called Natural Satellite like moon & Artificial Satellite has been placed into orbit by human Endeavour called Space flight like Sputnik, Explorer, Aryabhata.

Satellite used for many Purposes.

Common uses are Earth Observation, Communication, Navigation, Weather, Spy, Research & Global Positioning System etc.

Satellites classified by type of Orbits. These are

1. Geo Stationary Orbit Satellite – This type of Satellite orbits the earth in a Circle Path in the same earth rotating direction from west to east.

2. Polar Orbit Satellite – This type of Satellite orbits the earth in Elliptic Path as a earth rotating the sun.

3. Low Earth Orbit – This type of Satellite orbits the earth in between 100 to 1240 miles from earth surface.

Space Debris – The unused Satellite parts are called space debris and it around the earth in some altitude.

Space Probes – The unused or Space waste around other planet or bodies in space like moon, sun, mercury etc called Space probes.


In flat place or over the earth surface, while you throw (give some side force to) the stone it fall to the earth with Parabolic Path due to the Earth Gravity and Air Pressure effect. And now you increased the Force and Height (Vertical-Perigee) from the earth, the falling distance (Horizontal-Apogee) from where you stand, also increased. In Space, the earth gravity is less and no effect of air pressure (no air), the increased Height and Side Force High the Satellite Orbits the Earth Continuously and it will fall down into earth slowly after some years.

  • To orbit the earth continuously, release the satellite in space with the Orbital Velocity of 29000 k.m speed/hour is known as side force and it given by the small Rocket Thruster.
  • To release from the Earth Gravity, it must sent at the Escape Velocity of 38000 k.m/hour given by the Powerful Rockets. ( to release from the sun gravity sent at 59700 k.m/hour, called Cosmic Velocity)
  • To change the Satellite Path, Angle & Height in space, we used the Solid fuel Rocket Thruster. While release the satellite the initial side force is given by the Rocket afterwards no fuel is needed for orbit.
  • This side force is Calculated due to Earth gravity and Earth weight with respect to Height.
  • For Example – Geo Stationary Satellite speed 26,489 k.m/hour at 1,000 k.m

Speed 21,327k.m/hour at 5,000k.m

Speed 12,840k.m/hour at 25,000k.m &

At 35,786k.m speed is equalize to the earth’s self orbiting speed, 1,609k.m/hour

  • Geo Stationary Orbit Satellite Path (Circle) diameter must pass through the Earth Centre otherwise the satellite will fall into the earth. The Earth Radius is 6370k.m

  • In Polar Orbit Satellite Path (Elliptic), joining of two end centre must pass through the Earth Centre. For Example – Sputnik 1 – Perigee 230k.m & Apogee 890k.m(Russia), Explorer 1 – Perigee 265k.m & Apogee 76,000k.m (America).
  • At Perigee the distance from the earth is small. So avoid the gravity fall the satellite speed is increased in that stage. Finally Elliptic path changed into Circle path and fall into the earth after many years.

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